Thursday, December 9, 2010

my life recently

“Never take life seriously.

Nobody gets out alive anyways.”

this is SO TRUE !
I got this quote from the internet,
and I don't know who said this.
but it really makes me think...

why do I always think too much about my life?

I think a lot about my mark at school.
I think a lot about my love life.
I think a lot about my friends.
I think a lot about my career in the future.
I think a lot about my musical course.
I think a lot about my dogs.
I think a lot about my activities.
I think a lot about mostly:

then I got used to my thoughts.
what if I get bad marks?
what if my boy leave me?
what if blablabla and what if blablabla?
then I really get
stressed about everything.

why am I always thinking about everything?
geez, I should stop thinking.

at this time,
I can't stop myself to hear my friend's words in my head:


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